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What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is the most advanced brain-based treatment available today. It treats and improves a wide spectrum of mental health issues, enhances mental performance and overall emotional well-being. Equally impressive, neurofeedback produces these very impressive and measurable results without medication or side effects.

Neurofeedback is a painless and non-invasive treatment that alters brain wave patterns related to the stress response, relaxation, mood, motivation, focus, sleep and pain, among others. Neurofeedback is designed to optimize your mental health regardless of your specific challenges. It does so using your brain’s own innate ability to adapt itself and learn new patterns, known as neuroplasticity. This is much like going to the gym to strengthen certain muscle groups for physical fitness.

Neurofeedback - Real Time Brain Data

The use of biofeedback to provide real-time data about the speed (known as amplitude) of brain waves in targeted problem areas is known as NEUROFEEDBACK. The brain then modifies these patterns through neuroplasticity. The most common type of neurofeedback rewards desirable brain activity and discourages undesirable waves that can cause excessive stress, overthinking, anxiety, depression, low motivation, poor focus, mental fatigue and insomnia. EEG sensors placed at specific locations on the head are used to monitor your brainwaves for the real-time date you and your brain need to achieve your goals!

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The Impressive Benefits of Neurofeedback

- It is a safe and effectively treatment for a wide spectrum of psychological and psychiatric issues.


triangulo It is painless and drug-free. There are no side effects like the weight gain and sexual side effects common to antidepressants.

triangulo It is safely used for even young children and is very often far superior to medication for growing minds and bodies.

- A multitude of research studies have shown impressive results with stress, anxiety, panic attacks, negative overthinking, depression (even drug-resistant depression)and mood issues, OCD, ADHD and memory issues, sleep, behavioral and pain disorders.

triangulo Neurofeedback is also used to optimize mental performance by high-level executives, athletes and anyone looking to feel their very best and maintain their mental edge. Tony Robbins is one of the best-known users and proponents of neurofeedback.

triangulo While your brain is doing all the work, you actually feel very relaxed. Kick back in a comfortable recliner, surrounded by the beautiful and peaceful atmosphere of our Ridgewood center.

Neurofeedback Therapies We Offer

- Zengar (Neurotimal) Brain Training Tool

The Zengar system gives each client real-time information on their own brain functioning, and is based on operant conditioning principles. It is extremely beneficial for the focus and motivation challenges and self-regulation issues characteristic of ADHD. Zengar likewise targets excessive stress and anxiety, particularly by decreasing the compulsive, negative overthinking virtually all of us are prone to, improves mood, and promotes a more positive and open mindset.

For this reason, it is also used as an overall mental wellness brain training tool in addition to its use to alleviate distressing mental symptoms. We believe every brain can benefit from tapping into its own uniquely optimal state.

With two electrodes based on the scalp, the client watches a video of moving colors and shapes while listening to pleasant music. When the software detects a moment of instability in the brain, the music and movement of the video are briefly interrupted. This pause cues the brain, encouraging it to reset and self-correct. Desirable brainwave activity is rewarded, and undesirable waves are reduced. Over the course of Zengar brain training sessions your symptoms will diminish and sometimes evaporate completely.

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The Zengar system gives each client real-time information on their own brain functioning, and is based on operant conditioning principles. It is extremely beneficial for the focus and motivation challenges and self-regulation issues characteristic of ADHD. Zengar likewise targets excessive stress and anxiety, particularly by decreasing the compulsive, negative overthinking virtually all of us are prone to, improves mood, and promotes a more positive and open mindset.

For this reason, it is also used as an overall mental wellness brain training tool in addition to its use to alleviate distressing mental symptoms. We believe every brain can benefit from tapping into its own uniquely optimal state.

With two electrodes based on the scalp, the client watches a video of moving colors and shapes while listening to pleasant music. When the software detects a moment of instability in the brain, the music and movement of the video are briefly interrupted. This pause cues the brain, encouraging it to reset and self-correct. Desirable brainwave activity is rewarded, and undesirable waves are reduced. Over the course of Zengar brain training sessions your symptoms will diminish and sometimes evaporate completely.

What is Brain Mapping?

What is called a “brain map” is often recommended, but not necessary prior to starting treatment. This is known as a QEEG or Quantitative Electroencephalography, which measures brain wave activity in 19 locations around your head and the degree to which they fall within (or out of) the normal range. These results are translated into pictures and a narrative of brainwave functioning across all areas measured. It is a useful tool to evaluate your baseline, guiding our choice of neurofeedback technology. The brain map is also extremely validating for the client, who can finally see the brain-based root of their issues in living color for the very first time.

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trianguloIt is normal to feel somewhat tired, especially after the first few sessions. After all, your brain has just had a real workout!

trianguloWhile people sometimes start feeling better after the first few visits, it is quite common not to feel noticeable improvement until 10-15 visits have been completed.

trianguloAnywhere between 25 and 50 initial neurofeedback sessions are generally needed to achieve your desired result.

trianguloTreatments are conducted twice or three times per week. Research shows this frequency to be far superior to once weekly sessions for optimal results. On average this is equivalent to 15-25 weeks.

trianguloDouble sessions can accelerate your progress and shorten the duration of treatment.

trianguloSimilar to the muscle memory produced by consistent workouts over a length of time, the brain itself can continue to maintain and reinforce its adaptations long after the training is complete.

trianguloYou may find that doing periodic booster sessions after your initial “neuro” training phase helps you maintain your progress. This can range from several sessions per year to quarterly boosters.

trianguloSome people feel so much better using neurofeedback training that they choose to continue at some regular interval that works for them.

As one neurofeedback expert related: “We expect miracles, and if none occur, something has gone wrong.”

Let us help you create your own neurofeedback miracle at Dr. Sam Von Reiche and the Center for Transformation!